In this type of partnership you outsource your recruitment process partly or completely on a temporary or permanent basis. A consultant has an on-site presence in your company on a temporary or permanent basis to handle certain tasks or parts of it for you.
Temporary Recruitment Sourcing
You temporarily have a peak in your hiring? For a new project you need to hire a large quantity of candidates in a short period of time? Because of illness or longtime absence of your own employee you need a partner handling the ongoing recruitment business on a temporary basis?
In this case you can always call upon us for senior freelance recruiters or Azuro will keep one of its consultants at your disposal. A possible benefit of an Azuro consultant is that through previous collaborations we already know your organization, type of positions, and company culture. After having completed the assignment, Azuro can still support your organization off-site. Because of the company knowledge our consultants already gained, the quality of both our on-site and our off-site support will increase.
Contrary to the Recruitment and Direct Search formula, you pay a set price for these temporary recruitment sourcing solutions.
Permanent Recruitment Sourcing
In this solution you outsource your recruitment process on a permanent or long-term basis. By outsourcing the recruitment process, you improve your company’s continuity, you optimize the candidate inflow, and implement an important cost saving. This solution enables you to absorb peaks in your recruitment needs in a more flexible way, without the risk of suddenly having to downsize or upsize when recruiting needs decrease or increase.
Our consultants take over the classical tasks of an internal recruitment department, and will also manage your different external suppliers. Your line management will be relieved maximally and will only be involved in a final phase of the recruitment decision. Azuro will join you in efficiently organizing or optimizing the recruitment process.
Furthermore, we will negotiate with your suppliers to bring down your recruitment costs.
Finally, your recruitment cost will diminish as we enjoy volume discounts on certain marketing tools such as job boards.
Besides the above-mentioned form of recruitment sourcing, you can also opt to outsource only partial processes to us, e.g. your internal mobility.